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sell car online
Auto Loan Security

The Best Way & Place to Sell a Used Car Online Safely

Selling a car online is quickly becoming the new norm, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take precautions. Here’s the info you need to sell safely.

should i trade in my car
Auto Loan

Should I Trade in My Car at the Dealership?

There are pros & cons of trading your car in at a dealer. Let’s review them, so you can make an informed decision when the time comes to sell your car.

On the + Side

On The + Side: Podcasts, Blockbuster and Palonka

As students head back to school this fall, we know this time period can add some stress. This week, we’ll share more tips to help you keep your head up.

what to do after you sell your car
Auto Loan The Sum Up

The Sum Up: What to do after you sell your car

A recent Consumer Affairs article detailed the most important steps to take once your car has been sold. Here's our take.

Episode 9: A Crash Course on College Finances
College Making it Count

Episode 9: A Crash Course on College Finances

From snagging scholarships & eating healthy on a budget to juggling a job, class & still having a social life, we cover all things college on this episode.

On the + Side

On The + Side: Hiking Trails, Immune Boosters and Retirement

From adorable animal footage to uplifting news stories, we’re here to help you find the positive moments and make this time a little easier for everyone.

how to sell a car privately
Auto Loan

7 Tips for How to Sell a Car Privately & Get a Good Deal

Here are seven tips from us and our panel of experts to help you if you decide and learn how to sell your car privately.

On the + Side

On The + Side: Sharks and Summer Serenades

Whether you’re quarantining in stride or getting a little stir crazy, On The + Side is here to help you navigate life’s challenging times.

Retirement Strategies Over 40
Making it Count Retirement

Episode 8: Retirement Strategies for People Over 40

On this episode of Making it Count, hosts Cristina and Will explore retirement savings strategies for people over the age of 40.

Car Buying Process
Auto Loan

Car Buying Process: Steps to Buying a Car & What You Need

Are you preparing to buy your first car – or to navigate the car buying process on your own for the first time? Here’s your step-by-step guide outlining the process and what you need to buy a car.

On the + Side

On The + Side: Blankets, Zodiac Signs and Meerkats

Even during a pandemic, the world can still be a beautiful place. Check out the stories that inspire us and our resources to get through difficult times.

The Sum Up Auto Loan Help COVID-19
Auto Loan

The Sum Up: How to Get Help With Your Auto Loan During COVID-19

A recent article on the Experian website talked about automobile loans and how consumers can get assistance. Here’s what you need to know.