Anybody who carries credit card debt from month to month knows that interest can add hundreds or even thousands of dollars to the total amount they pay. It can be financially and personally stressful to know that you’re paying more than necessary when you’re already feeling a financial pinch.
At Addition Financial, we often discuss debt management with our members. One topic that often comes up is the issue of credit card refinancing vs. debt consolidation. Since we recognize that not everybody understands the differences between these two options, here are 16 pros and cons of credit card refinancing vs. debt consolidation to help you make the best choice for your financial future.
Many of our Addition Financial members who are considering debt consolidation worry about the impact it will have on their credit. The good news is that there is minimal negative impact on your credit in the short term and the potential for significant positive impact in the long term.
Your credit score will take a small hit when you consolidate your debt. That’s because approval for either credit card refinancing or a debt consolidation loan requires a hard credit inquiry which will cause your credit score to dip slightly. However, the impact is minimal and will only deduct about 10 points from your credit score.
As you pay down your debt in a timely manner, both your payment history and your credit utilization will improve. Your payment history accounts for 35% of your FICO score while your credit utilization counts for 30%, so being consistent with payments will improve your credit score over time.
There are two ways that debt consolidation will show up on your credit report. The first is the hard credit inquiry we mentioned above, which may stay on your report as long as two years but should not impact your credit score for more than a year.
The other is the inclusion of the debts paid off when you consolidated your debt. These are like any other debts and will remain on your credit report for seven years. However, as mentioned above, making consistent, timely payments on your consolidated debt will steadily improve your credit score. Delinquency on old accounts will still be visible but less impactful on your score with time.
There are two ways to consolidate your credit card debt. Before we reveal the pros and cons of each, here’s what you need to know about how they work.
Debt consolidation involves taking out a personal debt consolidation loan and using the proceeds of the loan to pay off your credit card debt. You will then make monthly payments on the loan until it has been paid off.
In most cases, personal loans have lower interest rates than credit cards. That means that you’ll pay a lower interest rate and may, as a result, be able to make accelerated payments to get out of debt quickly.
Credit card refinancing involves applying for a credit card with a low introductory rate and a high enough credit limit to allow you to transfer your balances on other cards to the new card. Instead of having multiple monthly payments to make, you’ll have a single payment with a lower interest rate.
Many balance transfer cards offer low introductory rates for 12 to 18 months, sometimes as low as 0%. If you can pay off your debt before the introductory rate expires, you can save a significant amount of money by refinancing your credit card debt.
Getting a debt consolidation loan will allow you to pay off your existing credit card debt and replace it with a single monthly payment. As you might expect, there are pros and cons to consider before you apply for a debt consolidation loan.
Like debt consolidation loans, credit card refinancing has advantages and disadvantages.
To help you decide which option is right for you, let’s review some of the key similarities and differences between credit card refinancing and debt consolidation.
There are a lot of commonalities between debt consolidation and credit card refinancing. Here are some of the most striking similarities:
Here are some of the most important differences between credit card refinancing and debt consolidation loans:
Choosing the option that’s right for you requires careful consideration of the pros and cons of credit card refinancing and debt consolidation.
As a rule, it’s easier to qualify for a debt consolidation loan than it is to qualify for a balance transfer card, although there are exceptions. You should compare interest rates, fees and terms before you make a decision.
Some balance transfer cards, including Addition Financial’s Platinum Low Rate card, do not charge a balance transfer fee. In most cases, a card with no transfer fee will be a better choice than one that charges a fee, since the fee will temporarily increase your existing debt.
We suggest crunching the numbers and comparing the total amount you’ll pay with each option before making a decision. Of course, you should also make sure that you can make the monthly payments, since delinquency can hurt your credit score.
Either credit card refinancing or debt consolidation can help you get out of debt. The key is to compare all costs and combine debt consolidation with budgeting and a debt management plan to make sure you don’t accrue more debt.
Are you looking for an affordable way to consolidate your debt? Addition Financial is here to help. Click here to read about our Signature Loans and apply today!