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On The + Side: Comfort Pies, Baby Koalas and Wellness Sessions

Welcome back to On The + Side! We know that the world has its challenges, and we are here to stand by our community in good times and bad. Although the state has begun to reopen, we still recognize the hardships taking place throughout the country and aim to serve as a helpful resource for all. This week, we’ll dive into more uplifting stories and tools we can use to make our world a better place.

Positive Focus

Doing our part and taking an active role to serve our community is key. We are inspired by those who are making a difference, and proud to shine light on their stories.

Wellness Boosts

Maintaining our health and well-being is crucial no matter what is going on in the world, and during a pandemic is no different. Check out our latest resources to keep you healthy and in better spirits.

For the most up-to-date guidelines on taking care of yourself during this global pandemic, visit the CDC’s website.

Additional Resources

Whether you’re looking to educate yourself on social justice issues or simply in need of some entertainment to get through the pandemic, we’ve got you covered! Here are some new favorites to help you get started.

We’ll be back next week with more positive stories and resources to make this time a little easier for everyone. To get notifications when we post a new issue, subscribe to On The + Side.

For the latest COVID-19 updates from Addition Financial, please visit our response page.

The content provided here is not legal, tax, accounting, financial or investment advice. Please consult with legal, tax, accounting, financial or investment professionals based on your specific needs or questions you may have. We do not make any guarantees as to accuracy or completeness of this information, do not support any third-party companies, products, or services described here, and take no liability or legal obligations for your use of this information.


On the + Side