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On The + Side: Milk Money, Soap Squats and Video Tributes

Welcome back to On The + Side. We understand that our community is facing hardship right now, and we want you to know that we are here for you. One way we can stand by our members is by spreading some positivity through inspiring news stories and helpful tips and tricks. We are here to give you that weekly happiness boost!

Positive Focus

Our social media feeds may be filled with upsetting stories these days, but our community still finds ways to give back and shine light in the world. Check out some of the latest positive news we’ve been reading.

  • Orlando Health is now accepting homemade masks! For guidelines on how to donate and a tutorial on how to create the masks, click here.
  • To encourage Central Floridians to shop local, the Milk District is selling “Milk Money” gift certificates on its website that you can redeem at participating businesses for a discount off your purchase. You can learn more about the program here.
  • As health care workers fight back against COVID-19, you can now say thank you by buying them a cup of coffee. Through NYLOVESCOFFEE, you can remotely send coffee to New York hospitals or purchase coffee kits for yourself. Proceeds benefit the Barista Relief Fund to support baristas who are currently out of work.
  • With national parks currently closed to the public, the animals have returned to roam freely without crowds of tourists. You can check out this video of the deer, coyotes and other wildlife at Yosemite National Park.
  • Graduation ceremonies may have been put on pause, but we at Addition Financial are still here to celebrate your accomplishments! We are putting together a video to congratulate high school and college graduates, and need your help. Send us a photo of your graduate, along with information about where they are graduating from and their future plans, at @theadditionfi on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. Alternatively, you can post it directly on Instagram or Twitter using the hashtag #AddGrads. We are accepting submissions now through April 30!

Wellness Boosts

Lindsey Birmele, LMHC, and Hilary Bornstein, LMHC, are back this week with more wellness boosts to keep us happier and healthier throughout the pandemic. Lindsey and Hilary are licensed mental health counselors with Bornstein Counseling. Lindsey and Hilary share the following tips:

  • Strong body, strong mind. Attempt to be active for a minimum of 30 minutes per day, and try to get 10,000 steps per day. Get outside for some sunshine. Don’t forget to wear sunblock! Use your 20-second hand washing wisely: try doing 10 deep squats while washing your hands (#soapsquats). Try and eat something green every single day. The greens can be frozen, they do not need to be fresh.
  • Turn it up. When we exhale, we activate our parasympathetic response, or our “rest and digest mode.” When wound up or anxious, exhaling longer than you inhale is a good way to “trick” our system to calm down. One easy way to make sure we are exhaling for longer than we inhale is to sing a song. Music can actually change our physical state by lowering anxiety. So, turn up your favorite tune and sing that song at the top of your lungs. You will feel better after, trust me- it’s science!
  • Find the light. Gratitude, or the act of giving thanks, isn’t just something to save for the Thanksgiving table. It is actually beneficial for our overall health. Brain scans of people who engage in practicing gratitude regularly show heightened sensitivities in the prefrontal cortex that allow for future feelings of gratitude, a.k.a. positivity. This was true for people who have a history of depression as well. Essentially, practicing regular gratitude makes it physically harder for us to be depressed and anxious. Try starting or ending your day by writing down three things you are grateful for.

For the most up-to-date guidelines on taking care of yourself during this global pandemic, visit the CDC’s website.

Additional Resources

Whether you’re practicing social distancing alone or with family, we’ve rounded up some of our latest favorite resources to keep you smiling.

We’ll be back next week with more positive stories and resources to make this time a little easier for everyone. To get notifications when we post a new issue, subscribe to On The + Side.

For the latest COVID-19 updates from Addition Financial, please visit our response page.

The content provided here is not legal, tax, accounting, financial or investment advice. Please consult with legal, tax, accounting, financial or investment professionals based on your specific needs or questions you may have. We do not make any guarantees as to accuracy or completeness of this information, do not support any third-party companies, products, or services described here, and take no liability or legal obligations for your use of this information.


On the + Side