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How Does a Dividend-Bearing Checking Account Work?

How Does a Dividend-Bearing Checking Account Work?

When you choose a checking account, you’re not just picking a place to keep your money. You’re also choosing a tool that can help you manage your money and even, in some cases, add to your income ...

8 Low-Risk Investments Other Than Stocks (Hint: Dividends!)
Money Management Saving Tips Investing

8 Low-Risk Investments Other Than Stocks (Hint: Dividends!)

Whether you’re interested in short term investing or long term investing, it’s useful to know about low-risk investments other than stocks. Here are eight to consider.

Debt consolidation & Refinancing Deep Dive
Making it Count Debt Management

Money Taboos Part V: Debt Consolidation & Refinancing Deep Dive

Explore the differences between consolidation and refinancing, the benefits of both, and everything else you need to know to effectively manage debt.

can you combine a car loan and personal loan
Auto Loan Borrowing

Can You Combine a Car Loan & Personal Loan? (w/ Guide)

Find out how to combine a car and personal loan with a step-by-step guide for consolidating the two.

consolidate auto loan
Auto Loan Debt Management

The 4 Best Ways to Consolidate Auto Loan Debt

There are multiple ways to consolidate debt from auto loans if you want a lower monthly payment or better interest rate.

does debt consolidation hurt your credit
Auto Loan Debt Management

Does Auto Loan Debt Consolidation Hurt Your Credit?

There are several ways in which auto loan debt consolidation can impact your credit score.

consolidating auto loans
Auto Loan

9 Pros & Cons of Consolidating Auto Loans

Consolidating auto loans can help you qualify for a lower interest rate, take full ownership of your vehicles, and save money in the long term.

filing taxes without fear
Money Management Making it Count

Money Taboos Part IV: Filing Taxes Without Fear

From tax brackets to audits and everything in between, we cover all the basics you need to know to file taxes without fear.

car loan refinance vs consolidation
Auto Loan

Car Loan Refinance vs. Consolidation: How to Decide

Compare and contrast car loan refinancing vs. debt consolidation to decide which makes more sense for you.

paying off car loan early
Credit Cards Auto Loan Borrowing Debt Management

Does Paying Off a Car Loan Early Affect Your Credit Score?

The bottom line is that paying your car loan early may have an impact on your credit score.

balance transfer vs personal loan
Credit Cards Borrowing Debt Management

Balance Transfer vs. Personal Loan: Which Should You Choose?

Depending on your individual circumstances, either a balance transfer or a personal loan may be the right answer for debt consolidation.

what is a balance transfer credit card
Credit Cards

What is a Balance Transfer Credit Card? 10 Things to Know

Consolidating credit card debt with a balance transfer card can help you streamline your monthly finances, save money, and improve your credit score.