Routing Number: 263181384

How Can We Help?


How your credit union can support you as a victim of fraud
Fraud Prevention

How Your Credit Union Can Support You as a Victim of Fraud

Becoming a victim of fraud can become an overwhelming and stressful occurrence. Discover how your credit union can support you during this event.

5 Benefits of a Money Market Account
Money Management Saving Tips Investing

5 Benefits of a Money Market Savings Account

Discover the benefits of a money market savings account, including higher interest rates, liquidity and more! Find out if this account is right for you.

Growth Plus Money Market vs Savings Plus accounts
Saving Tips

Growth Plus Money Market vs. Savings Plus Account: Which Should You Choose?

Explore the differences between Addition Financial's Growth Plus Money Market and Savings Plus accounts to choose the right account for your savings goals.

Addition Financial Lake Mary
Money Management

Meet Addition Financial: Your Friendly Neighborhood Credit Union

Get to know your local credit union: Addition Financial! Learn about who we are, what we do and where we see ourselves going in the future.

Money Management Saving Tips

Making the Most of Your Benefits Checking Account

Maximize your money with Addition Financial's Benefits Checking account. Learn how you can earn dividends, waive fees, and grow your savings effectively.

What are dividends
Money Management Saving Tips Investing

What are Dividends and How Do They Affect Your Savings?

You may be wondering what are dividends? And how do they affect your savings? To help you understand, we put together this guide explaining how they work.

The eras of Addition Financial
Money Management

The Eras of Addition Financial: A Look at Our Past, Present, and Future

Addition Financial’s story is one that we’re proud to share. Here’s a look at Addition Financial’s past, present and future.

7 tips for enhancing your online and mobile banking security

Protecting Your Finances: 7 Tips for Enhancing Your Online & Mobile Banking Security

To help further safeguard your finances, we've created this guide with seven tips to enhance your online and mobile banking security.

Understanding the role of inflation on your savings
Money Management Saving Tips

Understanding the Impact of Inflation on Your Savings

What could future inflation mean for your financial health? Here’s what you need to know about the impact of inflation on your savings.

How to automate your savings
Money Management Saving Tips

How to Automate Your Savings with Regular Transfers

We believe that automating your savings is the best way to work toward your goals. With that in mind, here’s our guide to how to automate your savings.

5 signs it's time to upgrade your checking
Money Management

5 Signs it's Time to Upgrade Your Checking Account

Tired of the same features of your traditional checking account? Maybe time to upgrade your checking account. Here are 5 signs its time to upgrade.

The role of checking and savings in your financial health
Money Management Saving Tips

The Role of Checking & Savings Accounts in Your Financial Health

We’ve created this guide to illustrate how your checking and savings account plays a significant role in your financial well-being.