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Best Way to Buy a New Car Online
Auto Loan

The Best Way to Buy a New or Used Car Online from the Experts

We asked some of our financial experts to delve into the online car buying process. Here’s what we learned.

Car Buying Tips
Auto Loan Holidays

7 Car Buying & Refinancing Tips During the Holidays

At Addition Financial, we often have members ask us for car buying tips. Since there are some special circumstances when you’re car shopping around the holidays, we’ve put together this list of seven ...

Auto Loan

Should I Refinance My Car Loan? 5 Situations That Make Sense

Refinancing a loan can be a great idea, it can also be a financial mistake if you do it at the wrong time – or for the wrong reasons. Here are five situations when it makes sense to refinance your ...

Auto Loan

6 Considerations Before Applying for an Online Car Loan

Applying for a car loan online is convenient and it might seem like the best and quickest way to get a loan. Here are six considerations to keep in mind before you apply for a car loan online.

Auto Lenders
Auto Loan

How to Choose the Best Auto Loan Lender for Refinance

Evaluating auto lenders can be tricky, especially if you’re refinancing. Here are some questions to ask of any potential lender and other considerations to help you decide.

refinance auto loans
Auto Loan

When Does it Make Sense to Refinance My Auto Loan?

When does it make sense to refinance my auto loan? That’s an important question to ask. You don’t want to refinance an auto loan unless it’s worthwhile to do so. Let’s talk about when it makes sense.

Auto Loan

5 Best Auto Loan Goals When Refinancing

At Addition Financial, we spend a lot of time with our members to ensure they understand how to improve their finances. That’s why we’ve put together these five top goals when refinancing to help you ...

Auto Loan

What to Expect from a Credit Union Car Refinance

When you decide you're ready to refinance your auto loan you could go to a bank or an online lender, or you could decide to refinance with a credit union instead. Here's what you can expect if you ...

Auto Loan

Are You Getting a Good Auto Loan Refinance Rate?

How can you tell if the auto loan refinance rates you're seeing are good? It’s an important thing to ask because there are many factors to consider. Here are some things to keep in mind.

Auto Loan

How to Refinance a Car Loan in 5 Steps

If your financial circumstances have changed or interest rates have gone down since you bought your car you may want to consider refinancing your car loan. Here are five steps that explain how to ...

used car loan
Auto Loan

Average Used Car Loan Rates Based on Credit Score

The interest rate you get for a used car loan plays a role in determining how much you can afford to spend. With that in mind let’s talk about the role that credit scores play in determining the ...

pre approved car loan
Auto Loan

Pros and Cons of Getting Pre-Approved for a Car Loan

If you’re planning to buy a car in the near future, you might be wondering whether it’s smart to get pre-approved for your auto loan. Here are the pros and cons of getting a car loan pre-approval.