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Buying a used car can be a very wise decision. A high-quality used car doesn’t have the same depreciation rate as a new car. Here are some tips that can help you.
If you’re in the market for a used car, you might decide to focus on buying from a dealership instead of coping with the uncertainty of independent buyers. Here are seven tips for buying a used car ...
If you’re considering buying a used car, you might wonder what you need to do to protect yourself and get the best price (and interest rate) possible. We’ve put together this brief used car buying ...
You’re getting ready to buy a car and unless you have money to spare, you probably plan to apply for an auto loan. Let’s walk through the requirements for a credit union car loan so you’ll know what ...
You’re ready to buy a car and, like most people, you’re wondering how to get the lowest auto loan rate. Here are some pointers to help you qualify for a low auto loan rate before you buy your next ...
In some cases, buying a used car is preferable to buying a new one. With that in mind you should know these seven questions to ask when buying a used car.
At Addition Financial we do our best to inform our members about the car-buying process. What’s the best time to buy a new car? There’s more than one answer to that question – and here’s what you ...
Negotiating requires skill, but it’s nothing you can’t master. Here are six strategies to help you negotiate car prices for your next car.
You know it’s time to buy a car. That part is easy; but what’s tricky is answering this question: What car should I buy?
If you’re considering buying a new car, you might be wondering whether it makes sense to apply for a credit union auto loan. After all, there are other options available. Here are five reasons to get ...
In this post, we’ll talk about what the advantages and disadvantages are of getting a loan through a dealership. We’ll also tell you what you need to know before you apply for a car loan, so you can ...
It’s natural to have concerns and to want as much information as possible about how to buy a car before you start negotiations. We’re here to help.