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student loan debt
College Debt Management

9 Dos and Don'ts of Managing your Student Loan Debt in the New Year

We’ve created this list of nine dos and don’ts of managing your student debt, plus some resources and strategies that are available to help you.

pros and cons of consolidating student loans
College Debt Management

9 Pros and Cons of Consolidating Student Loans: Is it Right for Me?

Here is a guide to help you understand everything you need to know about loan consolidation and the pros and cons of consolidating student loans.

student loan repayment
College Debt Management

6 Tips for Effective Student Loan Repayment

Here are six strategies for student loan repayment and some advice to help you choose the best one for tackling student debt.

Debt consolidation & Refinancing Deep Dive
Making it Count Debt Management

Money Taboos Part V: Debt Consolidation & Refinancing Deep Dive

Explore the differences between consolidation and refinancing, the benefits of both, and everything else you need to know to effectively manage debt.

consolidate auto loan
Auto Loan Debt Management

The 4 Best Ways to Consolidate Auto Loan Debt

There are multiple ways to consolidate debt from auto loans if you want a lower monthly payment or better interest rate.

does debt consolidation hurt your credit
Auto Loan Debt Management

Does Auto Loan Debt Consolidation Hurt Your Credit?

There are several ways in which auto loan debt consolidation can impact your credit score.

paying off car loan early
Credit Cards Auto Loan Borrowing Debt Management

Does Paying Off a Car Loan Early Affect Your Credit Score?

The bottom line is that paying your car loan early may have an impact on your credit score.

balance transfer vs personal loan
Credit Cards Borrowing Debt Management

Balance Transfer vs. Personal Loan: Which Should You Choose?

Depending on your individual circumstances, either a balance transfer or a personal loan may be the right answer for debt consolidation.

Credit Cards Debt Management

Can You Consolidate Credit Card Debt with Bad Credit?

Good news: there are ways to consolidate your debt even if your credit score is low and your credit history is checkered.

credit card refinancing vs debt consolidation
Credit Cards Debt Management

16 Pros & Cons of Credit Card Refinancing vs. Debt Consolidation

Here are 16 pros and cons of credit card refinancing vs. debt consolidation to help you make the best choice for your financial future.

Credit Cards Debt Management

How to Consolidate Credit Card Debt Without Hurting Your Credit

The best way to consolidate your credit card debt without hurting your credit is to shop around for the most advantageous interest rates.

best way to consolidate credit card debt
Credit Cards Debt Management

What is the Best Way to Consolidate Credit Card Debt?

Credit card debt consolidation can help make your monthly finances less stressful and allow you to get out of existing debt more quickly.