Routing Number: 263181384

How Can We Help?


Credit Builder Loan
Credit Cards Money Management Borrowing Debt Management

Our Expert's Pros and Cons to Credit Builder Loans

We put our heads together to create this list of pros and cons to help you decide whether a credit builder loan is right for you.

Debt Management

On The + Side: Couch Concerts, Moments of Zen and Setting Boundaries

Our community continues to inspire us. We're sharing stories that bring us joy and tips for staying happy and healthy while adjusting to a new normal.

Credit Debt Myths
Credit Cards Debt Management

The Top 6 Credit & Debt Myths that Might Surprise You

Here are six of the top credit and debt myths. Most we heard from our members, but we’ve included a few others that we think are important for you to know the truth about.

How to Manage Debt
Holidays Debt Management

How to Manage Debt Before the Holidays Hit

At Addition Financial, we know how hectic the holidays can be – and we also recognize that your wallet can take quite a hit! A lot of our members ask us how to manage debt before the holidays hit. ...

How to Pay Off Credit Card Debt
Credit Cards Debt Management

A Critical Look at How to Pay Off Credit Card Debt Fast

Stop pushing your card to the back of your wallet to avoid the thoughts of payments, start paying off credit card debt fast! With our critical look at debt you’ll be financially free in no time.

Credit Card Debt
Credit Cards Debt Management

5 Steps to Managing Credit Card Debt When You're Young

When you’re young, financial independence is still new and that can make debt management very challenging. Even people who’ve been “adulting” for years struggle with it. Here are five steps to ...

Student Loan Forgiveness
College Debt Management

Do I Qualify for Student Loan Forgiveness?

At Addition Financial, we often have members ask us about student loan forgiveness, cancellation or discharge. They want to know whether they can qualify and if it’s a good idea to apply for ...

College Debt Management

4 Benefits to Refinancing Student Loans After Graduation

If you just graduated or if you’ve been done with school for a while, you may be struggling to pay off student loans. In many cases, refinancing is a great idea. There are some exceptions, but here ...