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Save money on school shopping with smart budgeting tips. Learn how to set realistic goals, track spending, and find the best deals for purchases.
Learn about the best student checking accounts, benefits of banking with a credit union, and tips for choosing the right account.
Learn how to manage money effectively as a college student with these 10 essential tips. From budgeting to building credit, we've got you covered!
Learn about AFCU's newest high school branch location! Discover how this program empowers students with financial literacy and real-world skills.
Learn essential budgeting advice for students! Discover tips on common money mistakes to avoid, & how to balance fun & savings.
Today Cristina, Randy, and their money-smart friend end season 4 of Making it Count by leaving listeners with financial advice for every stage of life!
The best student checking accounts include things that make life easier as a college student, including online bill pay and access to online resources.
Give your students a financial head start by opening a checking account for them. Here are 8 features you should look for in a student checking account.
We’ve looked around to identify the best back-to-school deals to help you shop for clothes, classroom supplies and more.
Investing is something a lot of us don’t think about until we’re adults. Here are some tips to help you teach your teenager or kid about investing & stocks.
A recent article in US News talked about the importance of teaching kids how to manage money & invest it while they’re still young.
A recent story on CNBC took reviewed scientific studies and talked to people who learned about finances at an early age to see how it has impacted their lives.