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College Money Management High School

10 Money Management Tips for Students in 2024

Learn how to manage money effectively as a college student with these 10 essential tips. From budgeting to building credit, we've got you covered!

Smart Renting Best Practices + Red Flags
Mortgages Money Management Making it Count

Smart Renting Best Practices + Red Flags

Learn smart renting practices and red flags to watch out for in rental agreements, property tours, fees, and more! Expert insights for successful renting.

De-Mistifying Your Paycheck
Money Management Making it Count

De-Mystifying Your Paycheck

De-mistify your paycheck with insights on gross vs. net pay, deductions, tax brackets, HSA vs. FSA, 401k contributions, and avoiding tax overpayments.

Mom and daughter on tablet
Money Management Financial Tools Family Finances

Teaching Kids About Money? 5 Tools to Foster Teen Money Management

Teaching kids about money is crucial for their future. Discover 5 tools to foster teen money management and help them develop crucial financial skills.

Woman on computer and calculating
Money Management Financial Tools

Our Best Money Advice & a Personal Finance Checklist

Here is our best money advice for successful financial management, including creating a budget, saving, setting financial goals, investing, and controlling debt.

Group of diverse college students walking
College Money Management High School Budgeting

Budgeting Advice for Students Who Want to Build Money Knowledge

Learn essential budgeting advice for students! Discover tips on common money mistakes to avoid, & how to balance fun & savings.

Woman looking at documents for filing her taxes.
Money Management

9 Tips for Filing Your Taxes Late

Filed your taxes late? We got you! Here are 9 last-minute tips to ensure you can file your taxes confidently this tax season.

A Guide to Financial Management at Each Financial Life Stage
Money Management Saving Tips Retirement

A Guide to Financial Management at Each Financial Life Stage

A comprehensive guide to financial management at every stage of life, offering essential tips and strategies for setting and achieving financial goals.

5 Benefits of a Money Market Account
Money Management Saving Tips Investing

5 Benefits of a Money Market Savings Account

Discover the benefits of a money market savings account, including higher interest rates, liquidity and more! Find out if this account is right for you.

Addition Financial Lake Mary
Money Management

Meet Addition Financial: Your Friendly Neighborhood Credit Union

Get to know your local credit union: Addition Financial! Learn about who we are, what we do and where we see ourselves going in the future.

Money Management Saving Tips

Making the Most of Your Benefits Checking Account

Maximize your money with Addition Financial's Benefits Checking account. Learn how you can earn dividends, waive fees, and grow your savings effectively.

What are dividends
Money Management Saving Tips Investing

What are Dividends and How Do They Affect Your Savings?

You may be wondering what are dividends? And how do they affect your savings? To help you understand, we put together this guide explaining how they work.