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car rental tips and tricks
Money Management

14 Car Rental Tips & Tricks to Find the Best Deals

Renting a car can be expensive, but the fourteen car rental tips and tricks we’ve provided can help you find the best deals wherever you’re traveling.

how to find a cheap flight
Money Management

How to Find Affordable Flights to Any Destination

By combining our search tips with your points or airline miles, you can keep your flight affordable and use the money you save for other things.

best hotel booking site
Money Management

10 Hotel Booking Sites to Get the Best Deals

Here are some tips to help you book a hotel and ten hotel booking sites to help you get the best possible deal on your next trip.

how to plan a vacation on a budget
Money Management Budgeting

How to Plan a Family Vacation on a Budget

The tips we’ve included here will help you create a budget for your family vacation that allows you to enjoy your time away without financial stress.

budget friendly vacations
Money Management Saving Tips Budgeting

12 Budget-Friendly Travel Destinations for Your Next Vacation

This list of twelve budget-friendly travel destinations for your next vacation includes options for both domestic and international travel.

Making it Count Season 3 Finale
Money Management Making it Count

Season 3 Finale: A Real Financial Consultation

Listen and read along below to learn how a financial consultation can help you get on the right path with your money.

Life, Auto, Home & Health Insurance
Money Management Making it Count

Insurance 101: Life, Auto, Home & Health

Take a listen below as our hosts interview two insurance experts and then go out and review all of your policies to make sure you are appropriately insured!

Life Insurance with Pre-Existing Conditions
Money Management Retirement

7 Considerations for Purchasing Life Insurance with Pre-Existing Conditions

The 7 considerations we have included here will help you understand your options for life insurance with pre-existing conditions & choose the best policy.

Life Insurance Agent
Money Management

The Pros and Cons of Hiring a Life Insurance Agent

Hiring a life insurance agent can help you evaluate your options. Make sure they are licensed & ask plenty of questions to ensure you choose a good policy.

Life Insurance Cost
Money Management Retirement

10 Factors that Determine Average Life Insurance Cost

You can use your knowledge of the 10 factors we’ve listed here to minimize your cost and choose the coverage amount that offers the protection you need.

Whole Life Insurance
Money Management Retirement

How to Compare Term vs. Whole Life Insurance Rates & Quotes Online

The information we have included here will help you compare your options between term and whole life insurance and make the best choice for you.

Types of Life Insurance
Money Management Retirement

6 Types of Life Insurance Explained w/ Expert Recommendations

The advice from our experts can help you understand the six types of life insurance and which coverage is best suited to your needs.