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Smart Shopping for Big Savings
Making it Count Saving Tips

Smart Shopping Hacks for Big Savings

Today Cristina, Randy, and their money-smart friend explore smart shopping hacks for big savings.

What is an Interest-Bearing Account & Why Should You Open One?
Money Management Saving Tips Investing

What is an Interest-Bearing Account & Why Should You Open One?

An interest-bearing account is any account where the account holder earns a return on their deposit.

Money Taboos Part VI: Financial Strategies to Beat Inflation
Money Management Making it Count Saving Tips

Money Taboos Part VI: Financial Strategies to Beat Inflation

Today Cristina, Randy, and their money-smart friend dive into different strategies to help you navigate and beat inflation.

5 Interest bearing accounts to consider to boost your savings
Money Management Saving Tips Investing

5 Interest-Bearing Accounts to Consider to Boost Your Savings

Looking for an account that'll give you higher returns? Here we've outlined 5 interest-bearing accounts that are designed to boost your savings!

Going abroad without breaking the bank
Money Management Making it Count Saving Tips

Money + Fun Part III: Going Abroad without Breaking the Bank

Today we’re joined by our money-smart friends, Jeremy and Jenna, your go-to guides for travel tips and destination inspiration!

Money + Fun Part II: Saving For a Staycation
Money Management Making it Count Saving Tips

Money + Fun Part II: Saving for a Staycation

Randy and Cristina are joined by Lauren Holloway, a content creator and local travel, to dive into all sorts of staycation inspiration all while staying budget-friendly!

Money + Fun Part I: Setting an Itinerary for Savings
Making it Count Saving Tips

Money + Fun Part I: Setting an Itinerary for Savings

Randy and Cristina are joined by Donna Shields, a vacation planning expert, for a deep dive into how you can save when you're planning your next trip.

8 Low-Risk Investments Other Than Stocks (Hint: Dividends!)
Money Management Saving Tips Investing

8 Low-Risk Investments Other Than Stocks (Hint: Dividends!)

Whether you’re interested in short term investing or long term investing, it’s useful to know about low-risk investments other than stocks. Here are eight to consider.

how does inflation affect savings
Money Management Saving Tips

How Does Inflation Affect Savings?

The tips we’ve included here can help you protect your savings from inflation and ensure you’ll have the money you need to meet your financial goals.

student laptop deals
College Saving Tips

How to Score the Best Student Laptop Deals This School Year

Having a reliable laptop is a must for every college student. That's why we created a guide to scoring the best student laptop deals for the school year.

student discount
College Saving Tips

11 Student Discounts to Take Advantage of This Year

Student discounts are everywhere and they can do a lot to help college students save money. Here are 11 discounts that you can take advantage of this year.

back to school deals
College High School Saving Tips

Where to Go for the Best Back-to-School Deals

We’ve looked around to identify the best back-to-school deals to help you shop for clothes, classroom supplies and more.