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emergency fund
Saving Tips Budgeting

How to Start an Emergency Fund and Set Savings Goals

If you don’t have money set aside for the unexpected, you might be wondering how to start an emergency fund. Here are some things that may help.

Money Management Saving Tips Budgeting

5 Creative Ways to Save Money on a Tight Budget

It’s common for people to struggle to meet their monthly expenses. Here are five of our favorite budgeting tips to recommend.

Saving Tips Budgeting

7 Frugal Living and Money Saving Tips for Every Age

At Addition Financial, we love working with members of all ages to help them save money. Here are seven of our favorite frugal living tips.

Saving Tips

6 Easy Ways to Save Money in 2024 You Could Try Now

If you want to save money, you need to be creative and consistent. Here are six unique money-saving techniques that could work for you!

business savings account
Business Saving Tips

5 Business Savings Account Best Practices for 2023

Savings accounts and money markets are an easy way to earn interest on your money and save for future investments and expenses. Here are our five business account best practices.

How to Save Money in College
College Holidays Saving Tips

How to Save Money in College During the Holiday Months

Learning how to save money in college is a constant journey, even without the holiday season. Here are some tips to help you on your way and keep your holidays jolly and bright.