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Credit Freeze vs Credit Lock
Credit Cards Security

Credit Freeze vs. Credit Lock: Is There a Security Difference?

We've compiled information to help you understand the differences between a credit freeze and lock: when to use each, how to use them and how to decide.

sell car online
Auto Loan Security

The Best Way & Place to Sell a Used Car Online Safely

Selling a car online is quickly becoming the new norm, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take precautions. Here’s the info you need to sell safely.

Holiday Loans 2
Holidays Security Borrowing

6 Precautions Before Using Holiday Loans for Gift Buying

“Is it a good idea to use holiday loans for gift buying?” The answer isn’t a simple yes or no. Instead, we’d say: it depends. Here are six precautions to keep in mind before taking out a holiday loan.

How to Buy a Used Car
Auto Loan Security Fraud Prevention

How to Buy a Used Car While Avoiding Scams

Buying a used car can be a very wise decision. A high-quality used car doesn’t have the same depreciation rate as a new car. Here are some tips that can help you.

Credit Cards Security

What is EMV? 7 Facts About Chip and Pin Credit Cards

So, what is EMV? How do the new chip and pin credit cards work? Here are seven things you should know.

Contactless NFC Payment
Credit Cards Security

How Does Contactless and NFC Payment Work?

You’ve probably seen it happen. A customer holds their mobile phone near the store’s device – and just like that, the purchase has been made. What you might not know is how that technology works. ...

Credit Cards Security Fraud Prevention

5 Ways to Report Credit Card Fraud

You need to know what to do if your information is stolen – including knowing when and how to report credit card fraud. With that in mind, here are five ways to report credit card fraud and get your ...

Credit Cards Security Fraud Prevention

Is Identity Theft Insurance Worth the Money?

One possible way to safeguard your credit is buying identity theft insurance. Like all insurance, it offers some protection in case the worst should happen. But… is it worth the expense?

Credit Cards Security Fraud Prevention

6 Credit Card Fraud Detection and Prevention Tips

Taking a few practical steps to safeguard your information can help minimize the chances you’ll be a victim of fraud – and protect you if someone does take your information. Here are six tips that ...

Credit Cards Security Fraud Prevention

What to Look for in a Credit Monitoring Service

Not all credit monitoring services are created equal. Here are some things to look for as you shop for the service that best suits your needs.

Credit Cards Security Fraud Prevention

4 Common Credit Card Scams and How to Avoid Them

Scammers have been finding more and more ways to engage in credit card scams. They are becoming smarter and more technical in terms of finding your information. The good news? We are getting smarter ...

How to Protect Yourself From Identity Theft
Credit Cards Security Fraud Prevention

How to Protect Yourself From Identity Theft in 2024

With the progression of technology, theft is much easier than it used to be. Below we’ve listed how to protect yourself from identity theft.